Office of the Head of the Civil Service

Finance & Administration Directorate

Coat of Arms of Ghana

The Finance and Administration  Directorate (F&A) is one of the five (5) line Directorates of the OHCS and operates under the supervision of a Director, who provides strategic direction for the implementation of the Directorate’s plans and OHCS’s overall objectives. The core mandate of the Directorate includes planning, coordination and provision of administrative services, human resource management, adherence to processes and procedures and execution of all the financial and accounting systems aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness of work performance at the OHCS.


The vision of the Finance and Administration Directorate (F&A) is providing world class operational support to the OHCS towards the attainment of its mandate


The F&A Directorate exists to provide administrative and financial services through highly skilled staff, state of the art technology, appropriate work systems and collaboration with stakeholders towards the attainment of the mandate of OHCS.

Mr. Prince Selikem Kwaku Kulevome
Director, F&A


Mr. Prince Selikem Kwaku Kulevome is the Director for the Career Management Directorate at the Office of the Head of the Civil Service (OHCS) from June, 2023. Additionally, Mr. Kulevome was assigned oversight responsibility for the Finance and Administration Directorateof OHCS in September, 2023.

Prior to his current portfolio, Mr. Kulevome had served at the Council of State Secretariat for eighteen (18) years out of the twenty-one (21) years of service and proceeded to the Ministry of Planning in 2020 and then joined the Office of the Head of the Civil Service in April 2021.

He obtained a master’s degree in public Sector Management (PSM), 2016 from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). He holds a first degree in Political Science and Psychology from University of Ghana in the year 2000, Post Graduate Diploma and Post Graduate Certificates in Public Administration – GIMPA 2012 and 2004, respectively.

He was awarded Certificate of Merit – Best Candidate in Business Law by the Institute Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG) in 2008 and Civil Service Excellence Award in 2019 by the Ghana Civil Service. He is an adjunct facilitator at the Civil Service Training Center (CSTC) supporting the capacity building of middle level Civil Service Officers, a fellow mentor with the Emerging Public Leaders, (EPL) Ghana; an affiliate organisation with focus on enrolling graduates onto a fellowship and mentoring programme into the Civil Service with the view to producing a critical core of highly initiative and reform driven Officers to enhance service delivery by the Civil Service.
A Chartered Administrator, (2019) with the Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants (CIAMC). He joined the Civil Service at the entry level of the administrative class as Administrative Officer, Assistant Director IIB (ADIIB) in October, 2002 and rose through the ranks to Director grade/position 2022.

Director, F&A


The functions of the F&A Directorate include the following:

The F&A Directorate:
1. Collates, prepares, and manages the budget of all Directorates and recommend expenditure
Of the Office.
2. Ensures placement and management of personnel of the OHCS as an office, including issues of promotion, retirement, recruitment, and leave(s)
3. Manages official records
4. Manages and supervises the stores including assets and auctioning of worn-out office equipment
5. Supervises the transport section and ensures vehicle availability and maintenance
6. Manages the estates
7. Facilitates and organizes all Management and other meetings of the Office.
8. Manages the welfare of staff of this Office.
9. Coordinates the activities of all the Units to ensure the smooth running of operations in the Office.
10. Maintains an asset register for the Office.
11. Liaises with other Directorates to produce the OHCS Annual Performance Report.
12. Ensures the availability of services and facilities necessary to support the administrative and other functions of the Office.


  • Department
  • Department
  • Department
  • Department


The F&A Directorate consists of two (2) main Units and supported by eight (8) sub units. It also has two (2) specialized Units that report to the Director F&A.
The breakdown of the two main Units are as follows:


  • Support Services Sub Unit
  • Human Resources/Personnel Sub Unit
  • Estates Sub Unit
  • Procurement and Stores Sub Unit
  • Transport Sub Unit
  • Protocol Sub Unit
  • Records Sub Unit
  • Security Sub Unit


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