Office of the Head of the Civil Service

Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Coat of Arms of Ghana

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The Procurement and Supply Chain Management Department which is a department under the Office of the Head of Civil Service is responsible for making sure that all Procurement and Supply Chain Management processes within the Civil Service are in accordance with the Public Procurement Act. The Department is also responsible for building the capacity of all staff of the Procurement and Management Class in the Civil Service.


Section (19) of The Public Procurement Law, Act 663 of 2003 as amended by the Public Procurement Amendment Act, Act 914 of 2016 prescribes for a unit as the basic structure to perform procurement functions in an MDA (Procurement Entity).

In line with the act, the procurement department under the Office of the Head of Civil Service was established to coordinate the review and implementation of procurement and supply chain management systems, procedures, standards, and guidelines in the Civil Service and institutionalize integrated capacity building system for the procurement and supply chain management class.


An efficient and effective management of all non-pay spend and a robust supply chain system of Civil Service Institutions in accordance with National and International best practices.

The PSCMD exists to ensure the provision of total procurement and supply chain management services and business advice to the Civil Service of Ghana through coordination, implementation and monitoring of set standards and guidelines using experts in the MDs to achieve value for money in accordance with established procurement laws and best practices.


  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Fairness
Mr. Ebenezer B. Agyekum
Head of PSCMD

Mr. Ebenezer B. Agyekum is a perceptive procurement and supply chain management professional with close two decades of experience in both private and public sectors with a commitment to identifying and implementing continuous improvements in organizational value chains.

He has played active roles in providing support to key private sector and public sector reform programs such as  training of supply chain practitioners on Standard operating procedures (SOP) in Logistics Management System in Ghana’s health Sector, Public Procurement Assessment Exercise by the Public Procurement Authority to monitor compliance of public entities with the PPA Act 914,2016 and serves on numerous Technical Evaluation Committees as well as Entity Tender committees within the public service.

He holds a MBA from University of Birmingham(UK) in Strategy and Procurement  Management , a Bachelors Degree in Business Entrepreneurship from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration and is a Chartered Member of the Chartered institute of Procurement and Supply (UK) and the Ghana Institute of Procurement and Supply(GIPS)

He is currently the Ag. Director at the Procurement and Supply Chain Management Department of the Office of the Head of Civil Service which has the mandate of ensuring that public procurement and supply chain management systems in the 53 Ministries and Departments are congruent with the Public Procurement Act 914, 2016 and key performance indicators to achieve the nation’s sustainable development goals (SDGs).



  • Ensure the implementation of Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management in accordance with the Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) as amended 2016 (914).
  • Implement and institutionalize appropriate structures and systems to facilitate efficient, effective, and economic delivery of Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management in the Civil Service.
  • Analyse and recommend various options/ scenarios in public procurement and supply chain management to ensure value for money.
  • Coordinate and harmonise annual procurement plans from the various Civil Service Institutions.
  • Make proposals to the Public Procurement Authority in the formulation of Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management policies.
  • Develop and implement HR programmes and other capacity building interventions for procurement staff in the Civil Service for effective service delivery.
  • Ensure the Preparation of periodic performance report on the Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management in the Civil Service.
  • Ensure the provision of a score card for all Procurement and Supply Chain activities in Civil Service institutions.
  • Provide administrative and other services to support the performance of the Department.


  • Operations Section
  • HR Management and Development Section
  • Finance and Administration Section
  • Specialised Units

Initiate the formulation/review and implementation of policies, guidelines, standards and programs on Career Management for the Service.

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